Thursday, 10 January 2008

some coment on IntentBlog...
There is no hope for moon mind to realize truth but this moon mind because of their reflecting power becomes barrier to realize the Truth not for themselves but also for others. A theologian exist only because of his image of GOD is strong and real as per as his mind is concern. He cannot accept his image of GOD can be wrong. Otherwise a theologian cannot exist. It is same with all kind of logician.It is so with moon minds. Almost all of these moon mind has one thing common that they are convince by something according to their knowledge and experience.Avtar Singh is convinced that 4% visible and measurable matters exist in this universe. Moon mind cannot accept that mind is too small to realize The Truth. Moon mind know about The Truth as a theologian know about GOD.“(Note: Such definitions of genuine science and genuine spirituality are holistic and may differ from the widely accepted but limited and incomplete materialistic-only definitions of the mainstreams.) As per such holistic definitions, a scientist who is not spiritual (consciousness-integrated, it does not mean dogmatic religious) is not a genuine (holistic) scientist (irrespective of how many Nobel Prizes he/she has won). Similarly, a spiritualist who is not scientific (it does not mean materialist reductionist) is not a genuine (holistic) spiritualist (irrespective of how many followers/believers he/she has won).”This moon mind wants Nobel Prize or followers/believers. I don’t know yet any Buddha won Nobel Prize so there is no need to worry, as you know enlightenment.Moon mind scientist convince that the consciousness-integrated science exist as if love-integrated science. Buddha’s consciousness expresses by his mind or a lover’s love expresses by his heart are the qualities and there is no way to use this quality to reveal universal consciousness.(Enlightenment is not a destination situated in the commonly experienced fixed space and time. It is the awakening to the ultimate universal reality that exists eternally and omnipresently within us and all around us. Hence, the path to enlightenment, single or many-fold, is a misnomer. Just as we do not need a path or set of rituals to awaken in the morning from night’s sleep, enlightenment needs no hard-set path, extraneously imposed morals/rules of conduct, or rituals to be performed.The simple wisdom that governs enlightenment is –“The sun is shining, Just open your eyes.”- Avtar Singh)It seems a blind man is talking about light. I wonder none of these moon minds ever declare that they are enlighten but they talk almost everything about enlightenment.As a blind man cannot realize light and darkness, a moon mind cannot realize enlightenment.A blind man needs eyes and a moon mind needs No-Mind. From mind to No-Mind needs Meditation as for blind man needs surgery or medicine to cure eyes. There is no need to know about enlightenment. Meditation factions exactly like medicine.“While it is true that they may not have knowledge of mainstream science or HR, but the ongoing processes within their minds were governed by the same universal laws of HR as the whole universe including the material parts. Similarly, when we think and act our body and brains follow the E=mC2 law even if we are not aware of it. Even if we try to ignore it we cannot escape it. It is written on the fabric of the cosmos.”- Avtar SinghThis moon mind has to understand that E=mC2 law maybe follow to create atomic power but rest is out of date. There is nothing written on the fabric of the cosmos. Even Einstein’s last wish was to born in his next life as a plumber then a scientist. This great people are honest and because of their honesty they are Great.Consciousness-integrated science provided some answers to the previous post (part3)(comment#13) are more or less related to moon mind.
Dear A-Man=No-Mind :
#5A: " Moon minds are not ready to loose their knowledge then how they can be lifted to see the TRUTH.”
Moon minds are not ready to loose their knowledge, so we have to devise a better way to convince them to lift themselves. We have to enhance their incomplete materialistic-only or logic-only knowledge with the Holistic Wisdom to transform.
This is what the consciousness-integrated Holistic Science accomplishes. It gives them a consciousness enhanced rational science to see that ego-dissolution is the ultimate solution to resolve paradoxes of the universe including the life and mind. The beauty of this new approach is that it provides a solution in a language (science and rationality) that they understand. It makes the ultimate goal of enlightenment understandable and achievable for even the moon-minds. There is hope in it for everyone including the moon-minds to become sun-minds.
#5B: “Meditation is the Only Solution”
Meditation is only a tool, a great tool, and not the solution.The ultimate solution is achieving an ego-less awareness that exists at its own without even performing the meditation as an extraneous ritual. Millions perform meditation as a ritual and never get anywhere other than a temporary (may be) relaxation. Many do not even know the purpose of meditation and do not understand how and why it works. I have several friends who stopped meditation complaining headaches.
For all these millions of people, the consciousness-integrated science is a knowledge-based tool to understand the real purpose and inner physical processes of the mind behind meditation. If understood properly, many would stop ritualistic meditation and begin to reap the valuable benefits of the real meditation. The wisdom of the consciousness-integrated science can only help many perform the real meditation to achieve genuine happiness rather than performing a mere dogmatic mechanical and inanimate ritual that only enhances the ego.
Without understanding the true science behind meditation, it is not impossible but only a crapshoot or one-in-a-billion chance that one would hit a jackpot of being or even understanding the true Buddha.
And one who thinks that he/she is a Buddha or understands him, need to validate the self-made presumption against the realities of the universe, because whatever is not universal is not the TRUTH, and hence, is not Buddha but just another (anti-science) moon-mind.
And there is nothing more dangerous than the un-validated presumption of the self as being the Buddha.
Moon-Mind knows what I mean.It is up to you to find out sun and star minds. #9Dear Avtar Singh,At least you understand what I mean when I use Moon-Mind. To me Moon-Mind is the one who is convince and that what all Moon-Minds are doing to devise a better way to convince or to enhance their incomplete materialistic-only with the Holistic Wisdom to transform. What is this Holistic Wisdom? It is an approach that provides a solution in a language (science and rationality) that they understand. Philosophy means wisdom of truth now is any philosopher ever understands the truth in language. Just try to write your experience of the test of water that you are drinking every day and you are writing that it makes the ultimate goal of enlightenment understandable and achievable.There is hope for everyone only Moon-Minds are missing this possibility to realize TRUTH not because they cannot but because Moon-Minds are stuck with their idea. Everyone comes to earth with mind (Earth-Mind) having greatest possibility to go beyond mind (No-Mind). Moon-Mind gets stuck with tool. Mind is a tool as you wrote Meditation is only a tool, a great tool, and not the solution. Yes if you take Meditation as a tool it remains only a great tool not the solution. As you take medicine as a tool it can be sugar coated tablets or beautiful but one can use it only for cure and only a person who is aware of his illness can find out his medicine for cure. Solution is not in your hand so moon minds are interested in tool that what is happening with Moon-Mind.If you have ever practice Meditation then it is difficult to say: “The ultimate solution is achieving an ego-less awareness that exists at its own without even performing the meditation as an extraneous ritual. Millions perform meditation as a ritual and never get anywhere other than a temporary (may be) relaxation. Many do not even know the purpose of meditation and do not understand how and why it works. I have several friends who stopped meditation complaining headaches.”I have several friends who know everything about Meditation but they are the only one who is not able to practice meditation. For example there are many great spiritual teacher or scholar who knows everything about Enlightenment and they miss enlightenment.“For all these millions of people, the consciousness-integrated science is a knowledge-based tool to understand the real purpose and inner physical processes of the mind behind meditation. If understood properly, many would stop ritualistic meditation and begin to reap the valuable benefits of the real meditation. The wisdom of the consciousness-integrated science can only help many perform the real meditation to achieve genuine happiness rather than performing a mere dogmatic mechanical and inanimate ritual that only enhances the ego.”-AvtarForget about all these millions of people, what about you? Are there any need to find out what is Real Meditation and physical processes of the mind behind meditation? As you say mediation is a tool so tool can be real or ritualistic.“Without understanding the true science behind meditation, it is not impossible but only a crapshoot or one-in-a-billion chance that one would hit a jackpot of being or even understanding the true Buddha. And one who thinks that he/she is a Buddha or understands him, need to validate the self-made presumption against the realities of the universe, because whatever is not universal is not the TRUTH, and hence, is not Buddha but just another (anti-science) moon-mind. And there is nothing more dangerous than the un-validated presumption of the self as being the Buddha.”-AvtarDon’t worry Buddha has nothing to do with whatever is not universal is not the TRUTH. For Buddha everything is universal whether it is validated or un-validated.