Monday, 13 August 2012

We choose the light.

First time, Science is choosing the light. Until now science has been choosing darkness, which in reality doesn’t exist, yes, in limitation of mind it appears to be exist but nobody ever proved. For instance; Gravity is the weakest force compare to electromagnetic force. It appears in mundane world a dominant force but as we observe at cosmic scale it proves as if it doesn’t exist.  Newton’s observation was immense but his gravitation law has limitation. That’s the different between mind and heart. Whatever appears in mind gives the sense of reality. That’s why almost all so-called spiritual teachers talks and write about unconsciousness, which appears in mind as something real but in reality it doesn’t exist.
One famous author Deepak Chopra wrote a book called “Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment” to get opinion, he invited online conference, one friend ask; About Osho’s interpretation on Buddha and his interpretation, (his answer saws the different between mind and heart or light and darkness..) His answer was: “Osho's interpretations were very enlightening and lucid. My interpretations I leave to my readers' evaluation.” Mind has no idea about quality. Mind can even image about God. There is another spiritual teacher Echhart Tolle, who wrote book called “A New Earth – Awakening to your life’s purpose” first the title has no light and whole book talk about darkness because this earth is full of darkness so we need a new Earth.
There are teachings called “diamond logos” and “Diamond approach”. They are interested in policing ‘diamond’ removing the dust called personalities, characters and so on… the only thing they are creating is dusty clouds. As if these spiritual teachers are so much amazed by light their minds only think about darkness, assuming that removing darkness probably they can discover light. Nobody ever discover light removing darkness because darkness is just an invention of mind.
 Plasma is heart of science and only heart can be observed. Mediation is heart of religion, with proper experimentation and scientific methodology can be observed.
There are so many so-called spiritual teacher has been choosing mind for their spiritual search. Beginning with the assumption that the mind the dominant force to observe the truth. Even J. Krishnamurti, being an enlighten person choose unconsciousness (Darkness) for his teaching, for 40 years he spokes only about unconsciousness just to demonstrate that in reality it doesn’t exist.   And it is well-known fact that he died with tears in his eyes that he could not found a single person to whom he can convey his massage… he choose unconsciousness (Darkness). Nobody ever succeed and nobody is ever going to be succeed.
Plasma is light and light is the quality. All qualities belong to heart. Yes, it is complicated and chaotic in its behavior but that is the reality of truth. The sun is the perfect example of plasma. All assumption that made from earth about sun has failed. All Qualities are vertical and because It’s nature to flow in vertical, for mind it becomes complicated to percept.
Mind is known to all invention which is horizontal. For Mind it is easy to percepts. That’s why all invention becomes famous. The only difficulty with horizontal invention is that it needs a constant energy to exist. For example, to draw lines needs a paper, maybe these lines gives for a while a false illusion but it is just a game of lines which are moving in limitation of the paper horizontally.
Quality is being percept in heart which is vertical.
In Plasma current moves in vertical those currents is called Birkeland currents, the one who discover these current his name is Kristian Birkeland, he observe those vertical filaments under the sky observing auroras.
Mind and its inventions, moves in horizontal. It can be instrumental. It needs a constant force to move.
For example;  Our Mind, Cars, Airplane or Satellite moves in horizontal and needs Constance force to move.
In Gravity dominated view ‘The Universe’ appears only 4%, which proves only the limitation of the mind.
99% of the Universe is plasma,

We choose the opportunity to know. We choose the light.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Meditation and Drug!!!

I simply wanted to share my experience,
I am absolutely agree with article Meditation stronger than LSD
by Lakshen Sucameli
“Once you have closed your eyes for an hour and followed the stages of Dynamic, Kundalini, Mandala or Nataraj … something is bound to happen. No matter if you are a spiritual seeker, or a fervent atheist.”
I remember when I first read Osho. The very first book created an urge to experiment his meditation techniques. From very first day, was very clear to me that Meditation was the only solution.
I had confidence and trust in meditation, while I was for 7 years in the commune of Osho and 7 years in Europe.
I knew from my friend who just returned from Costa Rica had accidentally participated in a Shamanic ritual with ayahuasca, he was so exited to share his experience. Except vision and all stuff, what impressed me is that he said:
“The experience was so beautiful that even one do whole life meditation and don’t reach to present moment, while with this ritual one reach so easily at present and total”
So I became interested, after a year, Shaman was in Europe, so I attended, there was three sessions at night, the first night I felt bad because of the fear of something new, the second night I skipped, the third night I had dynamic meditation at 6 o’clock in the morning. That third night was wonderful and I was entranced by this ritual. I had seen the first time sky so colorful with brilliant stars. Everything was so intense and music was so beautiful. I had in my mind to observe and mind was doing so.
Throughout the year, before he arranged for the following year, I was in a state of absolute surrender just as Indian women who are conditioned by thousands of years because it believes that the husband is God. There are millions of conditions which are believed by millions of individuals by name of qualities (love, religion, truth and so on…) that becomes part of culture as realties.
I was crying just to hear the songs of this shaman.
However, trusting in meditation and living in Europe, personally, I decided to invite friends to my house once a week for an Osho’s meditation.
Before this shaman visited to Europe, I decided to do dynamic meditation for 21 days.
It was three nights sessions ritual. So First night with great trust I participated the ritual.
The ritual is based on music and singing songs so one could ride on the waves of music to have visions and so on…
What I experienced was incredible, because I watched my mind. Under the effect, the thought process has become faster. And so quickly that a little thought begins to move in a circle, and if one may be able to observe, it is so easy to realize that the same thought passes on the screen many times. It creates two possibilities for poor mind, one is, too difficult to handle and second is, to enter into the waves that are created by the music and ritual…Have a ‘TRIP’…..
First time I became aware of my mind. It just like, when in normal state of mind, ‘it’s as if we are moving in the car on the road having normal vision’ and in a state of hallucination of the mind, it’s as if we are in airplane over the road having different visions. In both cases, the mind is the one who plays the role.
In meditation the mind has no role. Besides, who’s playing the role? The observer, observation is a quality that does not belong to the mind.
Instead of entering in the waves that were created by music, I just started to look around and it was fun, because everyone was ecstatic. The only thing that surprised me to see their eyes were moving in a circle so fast. I just laughed and thought, ‘how the drug can fool a human being.’
If it is that much easy then there is no need to invent meditation techniques, which are devises to be free from mind. These shamans and so-called spiritual teachers are interested in mind. It is easy for them to attract minds. I feel sorry for these so-called spiritual teachers and students because they gather only mentally sick people around. None of them are interested in meditation.
I shared with great difficulty with my friends who have participated, but they didn’t understand. They think I lost the opportunity to experience and to be guided from above. In a sense they are right. I am very happy to lose this possibility.
For me, this is the real difference between drug and meditation!!!