Tuesday, 9 October 2007



Evolutionary Enlightenment. What does that mean?
How Moon mind give a false Illusion from centuries and it is continuing even in 21st century.
“Enlightenment is the experience of consciousness beyond ego.” Moon mind always talk to other minds and only other mind who is interested in words and experience, listen to these moon mind without asking what they are saying has meaning or not. How enlightenment can be experience of consciousness. In ego there are all kinds of experience, beyond ego there are no experience. It is as if hands of an artist will experiments the joy of his creation…
To experience you need mind. Just ask to a lover please explain your experiment of love or ask a Buddha please explain your experience of consciousness, he will laugh at you. Lover is not experimenting love or Buddha is not experimenting consciousness. History has enough proof. Whenever there is lover, moon minds are ready to kill them or there is a Buddha, moon minds make every arrangement to destroy them. Moon mind knows only about enlightenment and that is the reason why they are interested Evolutionary Enlightenment and it’s mean. Moon minds invent every kind of retreat and meditation, but it doesn’t work not because of meditation technique but they use meditation technique for experiment something as Mind Wants To Experiments No-Mind. It is normal that they failed so the easy way is to become Moon Mind and there are thousands who follow them.



“Life is strange, and reality as it truly is seems to be inherently complex and confusing.”
As you write: I’ve been a spiritual teacher for 21 years. My greatest source of confidence is a simple fact: as a teacher and as a human being, I’m still evolving. I’m still developing.
I would like to ask you: Do you helping others to evolving and developing? Do you think one day you will understand what is enlightenment or evolution beyond ego?
I am not against your work but I am surprisingly asking you, is it the right way to inquire? Did anyone down the ages ever understood? Reality as it truly is seems to be inherently complex and confusing: are you sure it can be relatively simple-if we want it to be?
Don’t you think Sri Aurobindo wasted his whole life for that the ego is transcended in any kind of real and meaningful way- like super-man, super-mind and immortality?
I saw a video of Ken Wilbur that saw he is stopping his mind wave. – Is stopping mind wave is enlightenment?
After 3 century scientists has come to know that the gravitation force laws and Einstein’s relativity laws has become out of date, just you look a beautiful movie “Thunderbolts of the God”
Is Spirituality is that much easy that this thousand of spiritual teachers having some strange idea will make it easy to realize the truth?
Why real enlighten master has the unique way to give his massage?


“Life is strange, and reality as it truly is seems to be inherently complex and confusing.”
As you write: I’ve been a spiritual teacher for 21 years. My greatest source of confidence is a simple fact: as a teacher and as a human being, I’m still evolving. I’m still developing.
I would like to ask you: Do you helping others to evolving and developing? Do you think one day you will understand what is enlightenment or evolution beyond ego?
I am not against your work but I am surprisingly asking you, is it the right way to inquire? Did anyone down the ages ever understood? Reality as it truly is seems to be inherently complex and confusing: are you sure it can be relatively simple-if we want it to be?
Don’t you think Sri Aurobindo wasted his whole life for that the ego is transcended in any kind of real and meaningful way- like super-man, super-mind and immortality?
I saw a video of Ken Wilbur that saw he is stopping his mind wave. – Is stopping mind wave is enlightenment?
After 3 century scientists has come to know that the gravitation force laws and Einstein’s relativity laws has become out of date, just you look a beautiful movie “Thunderbolts of the God”
Is Spirituality is that much easy that this thousand of spiritual teachers having some strange idea will make it easy to realize the truth?
Why real enlighten master has the unique way to give his massage?

Friday, 7 September 2007

Thursday, 23 August 2007

So-Called Gurus

Why so-called gurus with good and positive intention become a barrier for realizing the truth?
I have notice that there is thousands of spiritual teachers and so-called gurus, starts with a philosophical or theological idea, somehow gathered a group of followers and create an organization. The strange point of these so-called gurus is they fits in the mechanism of mind even their ideas are little bit deferent to each other.
The few real masters that this universe has produced have unique way and almost all of them, when they were alive somehow they were unfit to the mechanism of society mind.
Some of them were killed, crucified, poisoned and so on.
Are so-called gurus blind with their so-called ideas are able to recognize, if in front of them pass a Buddha?