Tuesday, 9 October 2007



“Life is strange, and reality as it truly is seems to be inherently complex and confusing.”
As you write: I’ve been a spiritual teacher for 21 years. My greatest source of confidence is a simple fact: as a teacher and as a human being, I’m still evolving. I’m still developing.
I would like to ask you: Do you helping others to evolving and developing? Do you think one day you will understand what is enlightenment or evolution beyond ego?
I am not against your work but I am surprisingly asking you, is it the right way to inquire? Did anyone down the ages ever understood? Reality as it truly is seems to be inherently complex and confusing: are you sure it can be relatively simple-if we want it to be?
Don’t you think Sri Aurobindo wasted his whole life for that the ego is transcended in any kind of real and meaningful way- like super-man, super-mind and immortality?
I saw a video of Ken Wilbur that saw he is stopping his mind wave. – Is stopping mind wave is enlightenment?
After 3 century scientists has come to know that the gravitation force laws and Einstein’s relativity laws has become out of date, just you look a beautiful movie “Thunderbolts of the God”
Is Spirituality is that much easy that this thousand of spiritual teachers having some strange idea will make it easy to realize the truth?
Why real enlighten master has the unique way to give his massage?

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